Looking for people to contribute their personal experiences of racism within Australia
I AM LOOKING FOR a broad and inclusive representation of Australians to participate in recording their personal experiences of racism within Australia. Situations that have made you feel as an outsider based on your ethnicity. Which experiences have made you feel fear or discomfort through racist community attitudes? Or, perhaps an individual encounter you experienced socially or in a work environment? Please refer to the video above for examples of stories.
THE RECORDINGS WILL BE USED FOR a video based artwork currently in the development stage. It will be exhibited within a gallery context. The artwork aims to open up a discussion on racism within contemporary Australian society, as it denies people the freedom to choose how they wish to think, live, work or openly practice their religious or cultural traditions.
PARTICIPANTS have the option of being recorded by video or by audio only. The video above is an example of the framing and duration of a few participants stories currently recorded.
INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING? Please email me at Include your contact details, which Australian State you live in and a short description of your story/stories.
I welcome your participation and look forward to meeting you.